
Androscoggin    Crown of Maine    Hancock/Penobscot    Narragansett    MidCoast     Somerset


Androscoggin Chapter
Nick Racioppi, President
Sidney Jackson, Secretary/Treasurer
Keith Morse, Director

Crown of Maine Chapter
Spencer Caron, Director & Treasurer

HanPen Logo

Hancock/Penobscot Chapter
Rich Vannozzi, President & Director

Narragansett Chapter

Richard Eaton --- President
Matt EK --- Vice President
Mark Carpenter --- Secretary
Camille Alden --- Treasurer
Wayne Wood --- Chapter Director

For Chapter Information:
Please email  Mark Carpenter

MidCoast Chapter
Graham Blanchette, President
Karl Olson, Director

Chapter meetings
are the 2nd Friday of the month at 8:30 AM
at Moody's Diner, Route 1, Waldoboro in the winter
and Lakeside Diner, 39 Washington Rd, Jefferson in the Spring and Fall

Somerset Chapter
Marie Lougee, President (207) 683-5000
George Robison, Treasurer
Stephen Gould, Director (207) 474-6223